SF14-063 77.6% Fat Ketogenic Rodent Diet
A semi-pure very high fat diet formulation for laboratory rats and mice based on the diet reported in
APJ-Endocrinal Metab. Vol 292, June 2007. Some modifications have been made to suit locally available raw materials.
- Total fat content has been increased to 77.9% fat. Using generally recognised energy data this would equate to a diet where 93% of total energy is from lipids.
- We would recommend that this diet be transported and stored at less than 15oC. At higher temperatures the diet softens considerably.
- Vitamin and mineral inclusion rate has been increased.
- Feed is manufactured as a 15 mm x 20 mm block set in trays.
- A suitable control diet is AIN93G or AIN93M
Keywords: ketogenic diet, low carbohydrate, very high fat, low protein