Omnivore Primate Pellets


A primate diet specifically designed for omnivorous primates. This diet would suit a range of primates including Macaca sp. (Macaque).

  • Although this diet has been designed to provide complete nutrition, it is recommended that it be fed along with fresh fruit.
  • Stabilised Vitamin C in the form of the DSM product Stay C has been added to the diet. While the Vitamin C activity should retain for the shelf life of the diet, we would recommend that an additional Vitamin C source be included in the complete diet.
  • The diet contains a banana flavouring as standard. In the past we have found this improves diet palatability.
  • To retain diet palatability the diet is vacuum packed in three layers of packaging, the first layer being a paper liner followed by two separate layers of low oxygen permeability plastic.
  • This diet and packaging system is suitable for irradiation if required.

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