Several modified rabbit diets are available. Most have been developed as arteriosclerosis model systems.
Control Diets
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High Fibre Rabbit Pellets
A diet for Laboratory Rabbits fortified with vitamins and minerals to meet the requirements of these animals after the diet is autoclaved or irradiated.
- Feed is designed to be fed ad-lib to animals of all ages, as a complete diet
- The diet is manufactured as a 4 mm diameter pellet, 4 – 10 mm long.
- Packaging is in 10 Kg or 20 Kg woven polyethylene bags suitable for direct loading into an autoclave.
- If the diet is to be autoclaved, the recommended conditions are: Autoclave at 120 C for 20 minutes with a post autoclaving vacuum drying cycle. Some clumping of the diet can be expected, but the diet clumps can usually be easily broken. Modifying the drying time to leave some residual moisture in the diet can minimize the clumping. Do not autoclave at 135 C as this will result in significant clumping that will be difficult to break.
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Guinea Pig and Rabbit Pellets
A fixed formulation diet for Laboratory Guinea Pigs and Rabbits fortified with vitamins and minerals
to meet the requirements of breeding animals after the diet is autoclaved or irradiated. Reformulated
• PLEASE NOTE: Diet was reformulated in 2014 to include Vitamin C. NO other changes
have been made to the formulation
• This hybrid diet has been used successfully in a number of breeding and maintenance
facilities for many years however the diet is designed to be fed in conjunction with fresh green
feedstuffs. If feeding alone a high energy Guinea Pig diet and a high fibre Rabbit Pellet are
• If the diet is to be autoclaved, the recommended conditions are: Autoclave at 120°C for 20
minutes with a post autoclaving vacuum drying cycle. Some clumping of the diet can be
expected, but the diet clumps can usually be easily broken. Modifying the drying time to leave
some residual moisture in the diet can minimise the clumping. Do not autoclave at 135°C as
this will result in significant clumping that will be difficult to break.
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Protein (Amino Acid) modifications
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Lipid Modifications
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SF00-218 5% Peanut Oil 0.5% Cholesterol 1% Methionine Guinea Pig and Rabbit
A fixed formulation diet based on our Guinea Pigs and Rabbits pellets with 5% Peanut Oil, 0.5% Cholesterol and 1% Methionine added.
- The diet is manufactured as a 4 mm diameter pellet, 4 – 10 mm long
- The diet is packed in 4.5 Kg oxygen impermeable bags under Nitrogen, bags are then packed in cartons to protect them during transit
- This diet has been used by several groups to induce atherosclerotic plaques in rabbits.
- A suitable control diet is Guinea Pig and Rabbit pellets
- If the diet is to be autoclaved, the recommended conditions are: Autoclave at 120O C for 20 minutes with a post autoclaving vacuum drying cycle. Some clumping of the diet can be expected, but the diet clumps can usually be easily broken. Modifying the drying time to leave some residual moisture in the diet can minimize the clumping. Do not autoclave at 1350 C as this will result in significant clumping that will be difficult to break. It must be remembered that cholesterol is likely to be degraded by autoclaving.
Keywords: atherosclerosis, high fat rabbit diet, high cholesterol diet, hypercholesterolemia, hyperhomocysteinemia
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SF00-221 1% Cholesterol Guinea Pig and Rabbit
A fixed formulation diet based on our Guinea Pigs and Rabbits pellets with 1% Cholesterol added for use in atherogenic model systems.
- This diet has been used by several research groups inducing heart disease in several rabbit strains. Arteriosclerotic plaques are usually evident within ? weeks
- The diet is manufactured as a 4 mm diameter pellet, 4 – 10 mm long
- A suitable control diet is Guinea Pig and Rabbit pellets
- The diet is packed in 5 Kg oxygen impermeable bags under Nitrogen, bags are then packed in cartons to protect them during transit
- If the diet is to be autoclaved, the recommended conditions are: Autoclave at 120O C for 20 minutes with a post autoclaving vacuum drying cycle. Some clumping of the diet can be expected, but the diet clumps can usually be easily broken. Modifying the drying time to leave some residual moisture in the diet can minimize the clumping. Do not autoclave at 1350 C as this will result in significant clumping that will be difficult to break. It must be remembered that cholesterol is likely to be degraded by autoclaving.
Keywords: cardiovascular disease model, atherosclerosis, high fat rabbit diet, high cholesterol diet, hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerotic lesions,
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SF07-027 4.6% Salt Guinea Pig and Rabbit
A fixed formulation diet based on our Guinea Pigs and Rabbits pellets with 4.6% Sodium Chloride added.
- Guinea Pigs have a vitamin C requirement not met by this this diet. If being fed to guinea pigs a vitamin C supplement must be provided. Contact us for more details
- The diet is manufactured as a 4 mm diameter pellet, 4 – 10 mm long
- The diet is packed in 4.5 Kg oxygen impermeable bags under Nitrogen, bags are then packed in cartons to protect them during transit
- If the diet is to be autoclaved, the recommended conditions are: Autoclave at 120 C for 20 minutes with a post autoclaving vacuum drying cycle. Some clumping of the diet can be expected, but the diet clumps can usually be easily broken. Modifying the drying time to leave some residual moisture in the diet can minimize the clumping. Do not autoclave at 1350 C as this will result in significant clumping that will be difficult to break. It must be remembered that cholesterol is likely to be degraded by autoclaving.
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SF04-040 Low Vitamin E Semi Pure Rabbit Diet
A Semi – Purified Diet for laboratory rabbits
- Vitamin E has been excluded from the vitamin premix
- All other nutritional parameters meet NRC recommendations.
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Medicated Laboratory Animal Diets
Medications can be incorporated into almost any diet. Examples of common medications include:
- Addition of Fenbendazole to rodent diet for the control of pin worm.
- Addition of coccidiostats to rabbit, poultry or ruminant diets.
In our large scale plant the only medication we use is Fenbendazole. Following manufacture of fenbendazole diets we have a rigorous cleaning procedure aiming to eliminate residual medication.
Our small scale plant is specifically designed so that it can be taken apart and cleaned thoroughly between batches of feed, this reduces the risk of cross contamination. In this plant we can incorporate almost any drug into diets, with some restrictions to ensure the safety of our staff.
In Australia a veterinary prescription is required for the incorporation of medications into feeds.
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